Thursday, December 8, 2011


It is the idea of perfection. What is perfect is its own origin and does not wish to dwell on how it came into being. Calasso pg.90

In this passage Calasso is hinting at the Greeks and the gods want/need of perfection. This was interesting because in today's society our Gods are portrayed as the epitome in all of their characteristics. This leads me to wonder when did we as a human race change our criteria of Gods and why? Did the ancient Greeks make their gods into imperfect beings so that they could get away with more. My thoughts are aline with if the gods did it then why can't we do it. was that their reasoning? Or was it their own need of finding perfection that lead them to create gods that were searching for the same thing in other words to put themselves on the same level as the Gods. Unfortunatly we will never know why they created imperfect gods.

 As for why in today's society we made our Gods perfect I think it has to do with our inherent laziness. If our Gods are perfect then we have an excuse to not be perfect. This could be the origin of the classic i am only human excuse. This excuse is the eppitamy of people looking for an excuse of sub standard work.

All in all i think we would have benefited more form the old view of Gods. Personally i would rather have a society striving for perfection than a lazy sub standard society.

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