Thursday, December 8, 2011


"But how did it all begin?" Calasso

While i would never dream of telling someone that they are completely wrong i feel obligated to shed some scientific light on the subject of mermaids in today's society. This rare natural phenomenon is called Sirenomelia and is a disorder that occurs during the gestation of any mammal. This disorder is extremely fatal in fact there is a 50% chance of being stillborn and those that do survive birth usually die within weeks. It is extremely rare for this to occur in fact only 1 out of 100,000 infants have this disorder. There are currently only 6 people alive in the world that have this disease.

I am relatively sure that this was given as a funny example of myth in today's society but just in case some people in class took it seriously thought that i would clear up a few facts.

In regards to my quote from Calasso I am wondering how people came up with some of their topics for this paper and in all actuality i am rather jealous that i did not think of them. For example Jills presentation on the trial that Nicholas goes through as the path to hell. I did not even think about this as i was reading the Magus, and Derril's paper on relating the path of Nicholas to that of multiple hero's wish i would have thought of that one.


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