Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Equality only comes into being through initiation. It does not exist in nature, and society wouldn't be able to conceive of the idea if it weren't structured and articulated by initiation. Calasso pg. 250

When I first read this I thought to myself no way that's not true just think of the equality in today's world that was accomplished through diplomacy and general human kindness. As I continued reading I found myself coming back to this particular section in the book thinking about it and mulling over all of the examples that i had given myself to contradict this statement. Then it hit me it's true. There is no equality in this world without initiation the Spartans knew this and that is why their youth had to undergo Krypteia an initiation that involved killing helots. through this initiation all Spartans were equals allowing them to be open in their society without fear of punishment.This sort of initiation is no longer government sanctioned however there are a few initiations that the government has for example the initiation that a new citizen must go through to become a citizen. In addition to this there are copious examples of initiation to become part of a group in fact every time you join a new group of friends there is an initiation even if its just verbal.

Sorry about the italicized font but i could not change it back to normal for some reason.

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