Friday, December 9, 2011


"The greatest and most ancient of Greek philosophies is that of Crete and Sparta, and it is there that most of the earth's sophists reside..." Calasso pg. 248

This passage from Calasso surprised me when i read it teachers of philosophy in Sparta. It has always been my opinion that Sparta was the manliest of manly places ever in existence. So you can imagine just how surprised i was. This passage directly relates my feelings about literature classes at least my opinion of the before this class. I am a Cell Biology and Neuroscience major and take stock in facts and generally ignore other things. However as i have been told many times before (mostly by my mother) there are other things in life besides facts and proof. Through mythology i feel as though these other things are more accessible. You might be asking why mythology well its because its all one big story and i have been an insatiable reader since grade school. I love stories love the feeling of loosing my self in the lives of the characters. After this class i realize that everyday life is just another story and now i know the outcome of the story its like knowing the ending before you read it and it grants you a sense of power that is awesome. The ancient Spartans must have realized this as well because why else would this warrior society pursue knowledge. The answer is knowledge is power.

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